My tentative schedule is as follows:
- Sunday, March 4th, 8 am: blood test for progesterone, to see if I have ovulated. If I have, we're ready to start. If not, we have to wait and re-test on March 11th.
- Monday, March 5th: begin nightly Lupron injections, sometime between 5-7 pm each evening.
- Continue Lupron for one to two weeks, till my period comes. Then, anytime that week, go in for bloodwork and baseline ultrasound, to be sure my ovaries are "quiet."
- Saturday, March 17th: continue Lupron, but also add Menopur and Follistim each evening, again 5-7 pm. That adds up to 3 shots a day. B begins doxycycline twice a day.
- Tuesday, March 20th, 7:30 am: go in for first estrogen blood test.
- Thursday, March 22nd, 7:30 am: begin daily blood tests and ultrasounds. Will be told if need to come in every morning or every other morning from now on.
- Continue shots and monitoring for 8-12 days total.
- Monday, March 26th: stop shots and give HCG trigger shot.
- Wednesday, March 28th: egg retrieval, rest that day.
- Saturday, March 31st: transfer day, begin progesterone (or maybe Monday, April 2nd if doing a 5 day transfer of just one embryo).
- Wednesday, March 11th: pregnancy test!
I know all of this is tentative and may fluctuate, and not everyone even makes it to retrieval, but I am excited and nervous to begin. May this next 6 weeks pass quickly and with few problems.