Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Temp up, whew!

Feeling much better today. My temp spiked up to a normal level. I'm still pretty sure that Monday was dpo 1, and today is day 3, because Monday was over the cover line, and I did have that positive ovulation test on Friday night. Also, online sources and the TCOYF book both say that a slow rise can be perfectly normal. The women in the RESOLVE support group last night also said they've had slow rises and it's fine, especially on a new medication. So, I think I can relax about it. I'll still keep temping, since this is my first Femara cycle, but I am not too worried anymore. I won't bother to go in for a progesterone test.

As mentioned above, I attended my very first RESOLVE support group meeting last night. It was in Raleigh and there were about 6 other women and 3 husbands. Some of them were in their late 30s, some were closer to my age. Most have been through or are trying IVF, one person hasn't done anything at all (she has two adopted sons) , one woman is where I am with only meds so far, and one woman was newly pregnant from her third IVF try.

I found it very sad that all these nice woman can't have children and this is what they all want. I could see every single one of them being a wonderful mom, and it just broke my heart to hear their stories. I guess I still have this hope that Femara will work for me and that I won't be in their place, paying tens of thousands for IVF and injecting all those drugs. But I did learn a lot about the process, was reassured that I can switch clinics if I want IVF (it's cheaper at NCCRM than at my clinic), and of course the thing about my slow-rise temps.

It's depressing to acknowledge that I really do have a medical disease- infertility- but I still feel myself setting apart from most of these women. I won't need IVF. Femara is gonna work.... right? Right? Right?

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