Thursday, June 27, 2013

Not Feeling Good. Okay, Feeling Horrible.

I had been feeling pretty positive recently. 70% chance of success is pretty good, and a grade A embryo were helping me feel more confident than ever before. Two days after my 5 day transfer, I had some light pink spotting and mild cramping for 24 hours.

Then, last night when I went to the bathroom, there were long, bright red streaks of blood mixed in with normal discharge (sorry to be gross, but it's my blog). Like, bright red, fresh blood.

I freaked out. I continue to freak out. I had cramps all night and didn't sleep well. I had nightmares of getting my negative pregnancy test. That the Crinone didn't do it's job to keep my lining intact, that now I have to have the scary scratch biopsy done. That next time I need to go back to the PIO shots in the ass. That I am not pregnant, even with a perfect embryo. That I never will be.

My nurse reassures me that it is probably an irritation of the cervix from all the Crinone. I don't know. I need to stop writing because I am freaking myself out even more.


  1. I am heading to RBA in Monday for my 2nd cycle.
    I am using P4 injections this time but most of there cycles are successful with crinone gel so try and stay positive :)

    Would a home pregnancy test make you feel better - it would either be positive or negative by now. It might make the night better or help prepare you for tomorrow.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry your first cycle didn't work but I wish you the best of luck next time. Their odds are 80-85% are pregnant after two tries, so you've got great chances on your side.
      Did you like RBA (your blog is private, I think)? I am very happy with them so far and like my nurse and doctor a lot.

    2. Congratulation!!!
      I am so happy for you!
      We really like RBA - we are with Dr Straub in the Cummings office and they are amazing and very kind and helpful

  2. People have gotten irritated by the crinone and bled. Some people bleed during the first trimester. Maybe a early pregnancy test would be a good idea. Or even an early beta. How long do they want you to wait for?

    fingers crossed!!!

    1. I did it! I did the early pregnancy test.. well, today was my beta so it's not that early, but I just couldn't wait anymore. And yeah, I'm hoping the bleeding was just the Crinone. It was 36 hours ago and has not recurred.

  3. hey lady! deep breaths. you don't know what may be going on yet.

    and always keep in mind: you have purchased a LIVE BIRTH guarantee. that means that it would be almost impossible for you not to have the child of your dreams (now or in future), unless you had uterine issues requiring a surrogate, which it sounds like you most definitely do not. keep your eyes on the prize, sister.

    eyes on the prize.

    and for the record: this anxiety we have to go through is complete b.s. and i wish you didn't have to experience this scare. i'm so f'ing sorry and am thinking about you.

    1. Oooh you are back from your honeymoon! I hope it was wonderful!

      I am very happy with the clinic so far and can answer any questions you have before you go down there, if you do indeed decide to.

  4. Hang in there! I also know of people who bled bright red blood their entire first trimester and delivered healthy babies (in some cases twins). The crinone can totally cause irritation. I don't take the crinone, I do PIO but then had to start progesterone suppositories which caused some bleeding and irritation last time I used them, and the nurses said that's common. Just think of all your cervix has been through, and what it still has to go through! :) I am thinking of you today. It is absolute torture waiting for these tests. I really wish that they would make it a policy to call as early as humanly possible. They probably don't test earlier because it may not be fully indicative of pregnancy yet if it's so early. As hard as it is, try to do something fun and distracting to keep your mind off of all this until you have an answer. And know that a negative today does not mean that this will never work, it just means it didn't work yet. I hope for both our sakes that those calls are positive today so that we don't have to worry about yet anymore. :)

    1. I am now waiting for my beta. It's so hard to wait! But I cheated and did the hpt already.
      I am crossing my fingers and toes for you to get good news as well. I hope the day flies by and we are both celebrating tonight!
